Kaitlyn Jo Smith from rural Ohio
Kaitlyn Jo Smith

I grew up in a town of 800 people in rural Ohio and I have always been inspired by the people and my experiences within this space. As time progresses I have watched new technologies and political policies take their toll on the flyover states. These are the stories I feel compelled to share, because they are the stories that are often overlooked in fine art spaces.

Kaitlyn Jo Smith’s interdisciplinary studio research considers the implications of automation on labor and religion in relation to America’s working class. Through the implementation of automated technologies and machine learning, her work questions the authority of algorithms while promoting a dialogue around future applications of artificial intelligence.

Smith’s work has been shown nationally and internationally. She is the 2023 recipient of the Alice C. Cole ’42 Fellowship in Studio Art, was longlisted for the 2021 Lumen Prize in Art and Technology (London) and received the College Art Association’s Services to Artists Committee Award for her video Lights Out. Smith has been featured in PDNedu, Art IDEAL, and Al-Tiba9 Magazine (Barcelona). She has presented her work at FEMeeting: Women in Art, Science & Technology (Évora), Technarte International Conference on Art and Technology (Barcelona, virtual), and Homecoming, Society for Photographic Education Annual National Conference (Denver).

Mass Production
Lights Out
Confessional Kiosk
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