Lena Balakireva
I create my works in various mediums: painting, graphics, photo and video art, performance .An important part of the projects is process and participation. My works connected with the topics of corporality, gender identity, personal and collective trauma.
In my works, I often refers to children’s artistic practices. Another important feature is the process of immersing the viewer in an atmosphere of acceptance and love.
Portrait of Anya and Olya. We had a fight and didn't communicate for several years, and I came to Ryazan as a surprise to her. [2022]
Self-portrait. I would like to look at myself the way I look at others. [2022]
Self-portrait on fire [2023]
Portrait of the user @cleanpuppy. When I feel empty, I think it's better than pain. [2022]
Inside [2020]
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